Apa Itu Leinghood??

Leinghood adalah sebuah kelas yg berada di tengah2 SMA 8 pekanbaru. LEINGHOOD berasal dari seorang anak yg tidak pintar juga tidak bodoh. Sebut saja namanya CARLTON karena wajahnya jlek saya tidak bisa menampilkan nya. Itulah Leinghood "Class Of Social 2"TIM DESAIN : Nabellzz, Barly, Prdana, Gilank. Read more about me »

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Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb.

My dear students!

I feel very honored to write a few sentences in my student's blog who are concerned with one of the serious ICT competition program to day.
I'm very proud that the students of IIs 2 has participated how to use blog in sharing experience and information. I hope that program will produce some smart ideas how to use internet to make us more success and inspire the other young man to care about it.
As we know,the using internet to day is one aspect that we use to make us success in the future.
By using internet we can know everything in the world. Internet can make the world became smaller. It can help us to solve our problem in our daily life.
I suggest that you have to use internet as good as possible. So let use it to find the important information and don't waste your life for everything which doesn't have advantages.
Finally, I now take a great pleasure to use blog.
Thank you very much.

Your lovely teacher

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